11 Ways for Non-Toxic Living
Green Living is nothing complicated. It is a day-to-day way of living. Switching to non-toxic living can be a very pleasant experience if we think of it as a return to the purity and safety of the way our ancestors lived. As a matter of fact, many of the suggestions here were actually used by our ancestors before all the toxic chemicals were marketed to make life "easier". We pay dearly for that "ease" with the loss of safe, clean air to breathe and, in many cases, the loss of our health. Not everyone will have the incentive to make all these changes - however, every change you make WILL make a difference!
Clean & Green Living Tips:
1. Avoid all scented products ("fragrance" as an ingredient) - including all perfumes, colognes, after-shaves, personal-care products, air fresheners, pot-pourri, etc. Be careful about certain "unscented" products that use "masking fragrance" to cover up the original fragrance - these are doubly toxic!
2. Avoid all fabric softeners, dryer sheets, Clorox, scented detergents, etc. These products are VERY toxic and very harmful to the environment as well.
3. Avoid all pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, and fertilizers. Pesticides are neuro-toxins (affect the central nervous system), and they don't know the difference between the BUGS and YOU! For fleas, roaches, ants, etc., use diatomacious earth, boric acid, and nematodes. You can get these from health food stores and pet supply stores - or from some of the "Resources" listed on the MCS Resources page.
4. Use only non-toxic cleaning products and personal-care products .
5. Drink and bathe in filtered water. Taking a shower in chlorinated water causes the chlorine to go right into your blood stream. You can purchase shower filters that easily attach to your shower nozzle from water-supply stores (check your Yellow Pages) or from many of the mail-order companies listed on the MCS Resources page. Also avoid swimming in chlorinated pools.
6. Eat organic food as often as possible. Avoid processed foods, foods with colors and dyes, preservatives, etc. NEVER consume products containing "NutraSweet" (aspartame). It breaks down into formic acid ("ant-sting poison") and methanol (wood alcohol) in your body! (See "Links to Related Sites" for more information about aspartame.)
7. Wear organic cotton clothes (remember, bamboo fabric sounds natural, but it has numerous chemicals used in the process to make that soft fabric) and select organic baby clothes. Make sure the clothes are NOT "permanent press" or "wrinkle resistant" - these clothes have been treated with formaldehyde that does NOT wash out!
8. Use organic cotton, wool, or pure silk bed linens and blankets. Avoid "no-iron" or "wrinkle-resistant".
9. As much as possible, avoid plastics (store food in glass jars), particle-board, plywood, glues, inks, paints (use Glidden 2000 - least toxic), foam rubber, vinyl, carpet, synthetic rugs, varnishes, solvents, etc.
10. Open your windows as often as possible! Even in the most polluted cities, the outdoor air has been found to be less toxic than the indoor air!
11. Certain houseplants are beneficial to remove toxins from the air, such as formaldehyde, benzene etc. The best plants for removing these and other toxins are philodendrons, spider plants, aloe vera, English ivy, golden pothos, and boston fern.