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Reduce Your Waste In The New Year

Another year has passed and you may have started jotting down your resolutions. Looking to reduce your waste in the new year? Here's a few tips to help get you started!

1. Grab Your Reusable Bags! Reusable bags come in more sizes than just a reusable grocery bag. There's also bags for snacking, bags for bulk items, bags for produce, and more!

2. Incorporate Other Reusable Items: Bags aren't the only item that can replace the waste in your life. There's also tons of options out there for reusable "unpaper' towels, cloth napkins, cloth facial rounds, and even reusable "sponges"! 

3. Try Mason Jars! Did you know mason jars have a HUGE range of possibilities beyond just using for food? That old pickle jar makes a great drinking cup, holding for your cloth napkins or cloth facial rounds, storage for grains, and more! There's also tons of creative ideas out there for reusing cans as well!

4. Incorporate Composting! There's no better time to try your hand at composting than now. When shopping, look for products that are not wrapped in plastic or are easily compostable (such as banana skins).

5. Simplify Your Menstrual Hygiene Needs: Last, but certainly not least, join us as we say Goodbye to Tampons and uncomfortable disposable pads! Many users are now making the switch to cloth pads and menstrual cups for their periods - and you can make the switch, too!

Let us know! What tips do you have for reducing your waste? Join the discussion in the comments below, or find us on Facebook!

Don’t forget to visit us online at! Your period should be a breeze, and with SckoonCup, an internally worn menstrual cup, it will be. Discover a clean, effective alternative to tampons or disposable pads. Made from FDA approved soft medical-grade silicon, it’s safe, reusable, environmentally friendly, and pretty, too!

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