SckoonCup Menstrual Cup Overview
What is SckoonCup Menstrual Cup?
SckoonCup is a reusable feminine hygiene product that is used during menstruation. It is inserted into the vagina and one can keep it inside for 12 hours, SckoonCup could be reused for over 7 years. Its purpose is to collect, prevent menstrual blood from leaking onto the clothes. It is made in the USA of 100% FDA approved Medical Grade Silicone. Silicon are hypo allergic, made from earth sand, a natural material which means that the wearer can be safe from unwanted irritation and allergies, and low risk of toxic shock syndrome (North & Oldham, 2011; Karnaky, 1962), in addition 100% Eco friendly product. SckoonCup is available in a smaller and a larger size, where smaller size is recommended for women under 30 (who have not given birth vaginally) and the larger size is recommended for women who are over 30 (have given birth vaginally or have a heavy flow).
First made in USA with USA FDA Medical Grade Silicone + Only durable single-piece + 3 years research = SckoonCup will change your hygiene experience forever.
SckoonCup: Creating a Revolution in Feminine Hygiene
For years, menstruators were only given or known about two options, pads, and tampons. Many choose to solely use one product or a combination of the two. As women search for healthier products that are both easy-to-use, enviromental safe and cost-effective, a strong market for menstrual cups has emerged. The introduction of the menstrual cup has been revolutionary and taking the market by storm in developed countries, yet this product has yet to make an impact developing countries, where they are needed the most.
Why SckoonCup menstrual Cup:
1- Reusable, SckoonCup can last up to 10 years of use or more (City to Sea 2019),
2- Made in the USA of top quality FDA approved USA Medical grade silicone
3- It does not cause harm to the vaginal area/cervix (North & Oldham, 2011; Karnaky, 1962),
4- The cup is composed of hypoallergenic material (medical Grade Silicone), Being made from sand means that silicon is the second most abundant element on Earth, which is natural material and there is evidence that there is a very low risk of toxic shock syndrome (North & Oldham, 2011; Karnaky, 1962).
5- Menstrual Cup has also been proven to be inexpensive in the long run (van Eijk et al., 2019). The cup also is an onetime payment that lasts for 10 years. People spend approximately $15,000 - $20,000 on pads/tampons in their lifetime (Mah, 2019). Versus only spending between $20-$40 for a cup that lasts for a decade. This invention potentially saves the user $14,850 - $19,850 of money for a lifetime.
6- has linkage to human rights and gender equality issues (UNOHCHR, 2014; Human Rights Watch 2017; Kosin, J., 2018),
7- There is a minimal risk of the reproductive tract or systemic infection (Stewart et al., 2010; Stewart et al., 2009),
Menstrual Cup Globale Market
03-10-2020 07:24 AM CET | Health & Medicine
Press release from: Orian Research
In the past decade the menstrual market has been rapidly and steadily growing as menstrual cups become more mainstream. The global menstrual cup market accounted for around $632 million in 2018 and is expected to reach $963 million by 2026, registering a CAGR of 5.3% from 2019 to 2026, with top companies Diva,IrisCup, The Keeper, Anagin, SckoonCup, Femmycycle, Lunette, LyfieCup.
Market Dynamics
- Increase in Awareness About the Available Options in Feminine Hygiene Products
- Availability of Different Cups and Sizes
- Benefits of Menstrual Cups Over Sanitary Pads and Tampons
- Availability of Substitutes and Cost of Menstrual Cups
- Cultural Resistance and Limited Level of Acceptance of the Sanitary Protections
- Untapped Opportunities in Developing Countries
Menstruators face many factors like pain, negative stigmas, sanitation issues, taboos, misconceptions, gender inequality, financial burden, and even death. Some health effects that menstruators faces are bacterial infections, endometriosis, early unwanted pregnancies, sexual and gender-based violence, isolation, iron deficiency, lack of school attendance, neglect during disaster prevention, and minimum inclusion of disability orientation.
SckoonCup and Sustainable Developmental Goals:
Menstrual health and sustainable developmental goals:
(1) no poverty, (3) good health and well-being, (4) quality education, (5) gender equality, (6) clean water & sanitation, (8) decent work & economic growth, (9) industry, innovation & infrastructure, (10) reduced inequalities, (11) sustainable cities & communities, (12) responsible consumption & production, (13) climate action, and (15) life on land. Under the category, no poverty, eradicating “period poverty” in countries helps close the socioeconomic gap that is especially seen between genders. The cost for menstrual products adds up which is costly for menstruators.
Menstruation and Low Socioeconomic Countries:
Menstrual products need to be handmade because production is not made available. Well developed countries charge menstrual products at higher prices including “pink tax” also referred to as “tampon tax”. Creating universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services will help increase good health and well-being for all.
Menstruation and Education:
Menstruators sometimes skip school which can lead to lower quality of education, by increasing knowledge of menstrual health taught for all genders helps create gender equality and eliminate gender disparities in education.
Gender Equality:
Women benefit from the 5th SDG by ensuring they have full participation in public life and universal access to sexual and reproductive health. This further takes on a gender-sensitive approach to accommodate all individuals. Clean water and sanitation are a necessity for menstruators to create a safe clean environment when using menstrual products and public facilities. This goal aims to remove open defecation, provide clean high-quality water, and easily accessible bathrooms that can be used with confidence and security.
Menstruation is a Barrier for Working-Class:
Menstruators that need to take sick days or period leave because of their menstruation. When these individuals are absent from their jobs, it decreases the economic growth in their respective occupations and slows work production. It is important that developing countries especially create sustainable communities that are not reliant on commercialized production of menstrual products so that they can provide for their community menstruators. Universal access to inclusive, accessible, green, and public products and environment ensures a reduction of inequality and greater quality of health.
Menstruation and Climate change:
Many of the menstrual products created are not environmentally friendly. Since menstruation affects 1.8 billion people in the world, to reduce land waste it would be best to create products that produce the least amount of waste so that generations after would not have to contribute or worry about climate change.
SckoonCup 100% FDA Medical Grade Natural Sand (Quartz) Silicone:
SckoonCup Made in the USA of the purest grade of 100% FDA approved USA medical grade siliocne. Medical grade silicones are silicones derived from sand (quartz), the most naturally abundant material on our planet. Medical grade silicones are tested for biocompatibility and are appropriate to be used for medical applications. In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) regulates devices implanted into the body.
Why Top grade Medical Grade Silicone:
Medical grade silicone Silicone is biodigradable, resistant to bacteria buildup, and won’t interact with your body’s pH and is not linked to TSS. – making it perfect for medical devices like SckoonCup menstrual cups.
12 billion tampons and pads used and disposed of annually.
- Each year, a person will use up to a total of 250 tampons, pads and
liners. Using one SckoonCup will offset this waste from landfills. - More than 12 billion pads and tampons and pads are used and
disposed of annually. - The average menstruating person uses 300 to 350 pounds of tampons,
pads and applicators over their lifetime. - Menstrual product use over a lifetime: 12,000 and 15,000 pads, tampons and panty liners.
- A sanitary pad can be worn for 5-6 hours, but it takes 600-800 years to decompose.
Chemicals in Sanitary Pads:
Because SckoonCup is made of 100% medical grade silicone, it won’t interact with your body’s pH and is not linked to TSS. Unlike tampons and reusable pads that contains harmful chemicals like Dioxin and furan
A bill introduced in Congress in March 1999 by Representative Carolyn Maloney of the 14th District of New York -- the Tampon Safety and Research Act of 1999 (HR 890) -- noted that "dioxin is a byproduct of chlorine-beaching processes used in the manufacture of paper products, including tampons, sanitary pads, panty liners and diapers." HR 890 further pointed out that the effects of dioxin are cumulative and that the chemical may stay in the body for 20 years after exposure.
A close relative of dioxin, furan, is also found in bleached paper products, including sanitary pads, diapers and tampons. Research published in the Textile Research Journal in 2007 extracted the chemicals found in sanitary pads and tampons throughout the world. While results varied among products, octachlorinated dioxin (OCDD), hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) and octa-chlorodibenzofuran (OCDF) were detected. These are all banned toxic substances.
Do You Know What's in Your Tampons and Pads?
The issue of safe feminine hygiene product options is rarely discussed, but it's a vitally important topic for roughly a third of the population.Why? Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and also the thinnest. Less than one-tenth of an inch separates your body from potential toxins. Worse yet, your skin is highly permeable -- especially the skin in and around the vaginal area.
Anything coming in constant contact with your skin will land in your bloodstream for distribution throughout your body. This is why I'm so fond of saying "Don't put anything on your body that you wouldn't eat if you had to."
Chemicals on your skin may be worse than eating them. At least enzymes in your saliva and stomach help break down and flush chemicals from your body. But when they touch your skin, they're absorbed straight into your bloodstream, going directly to your delicate organs. Once in your body, they can accumulate because you typically lack the necessary enzymes to break them down.
In my opinion, feminine hygiene products can be likened to a "ticking time bomb" due to years of exposure. The average American woman uses 16,800 tampons in her lifetime -- or up to 24,360 if she's on estrogen replacement therapy.
And that's just tampons. Many women use different types of sanitary pads, alone or with tampons, and there's also nursing pads.
When Andrea of called Procter & Gamble directly to discover the contents in their Always Infinity pads, the service reps could only mention two: foam and a patented ingredient called Infinicel -- a highly absorbent material able to hold up to 10 times its weight.
The Always Infinity pad with its mostly undisclosed ingredients creates black smoke and thick residue, indicating the pad may contain dioxins, synthetic fibers and petrochemical additives.
In fact, conventional sanitary pads can contain the equivalent of about four plastic bags! With everything we now know about the hazardous nature of plastic chemicals, this alone is cause for concern.
For example, plasticizing chemicals like BPA and BPS disrupt embryonic development. They're linked to heart disease and cancer. Phthalates, which give paper tampon applicators a pads smooth finish, are known to disregulate gene expression, and DEHP may lead to multiple organ damage. Synthetics and plastic restrict air flow and trap heat and dampness, potentially promoting yeast and bacteria growth in your vaginal area. Besides crude oil plastics, conventional sanitary pads can also contain other potentially hazardous ingredients, such as odor neutralizers and fragrances.
Menstrual pads and tampons are positioned in or on a vasculaer channel of a woman's body -- meaning the area is highly absorbable. In my holistic healing practice, I share with my client's information about ingredients that might affect their female reproductive organs, hormonal balance, and/or overall health
The Price You Pay for "Clean" White Tampons and Pads
How do tampons and pads get that ultra-white "clean" look? Usually chlorine bleach, which can create toxic dioxin and other disinfection by-products (DBPs) such as trihalomethane. Studies show dioxin collects in your fatty tissues. According to an EPA draft report, dioxin is a serious public health threat that has no "safe" level of exposure! Published reports show that even trace dioxin levels may be linked to:
• Abnormal tissue growth in the abdomen and reproductive organs
• Abnormal cell growth throughout the body
• Immune system suppression
• Hormonal and endocrine system disruption
Absorbing GMOs Via Your diposable Tampons and Pads?
Numerous alarm bells went off as researched potential hazards of feminine products for her book, Label Lessons, such as:
• Conventional tampons and pads contain pesticides: A whopping $2 billion is spent annually on pesticides to spray cotton crops.
• Conventional tampons and pads contain genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). According the USDA, 94 percent of all U.S. cotton is genetically engineered.
• Tampons and pads with odor neutralizers and artificial fragrances are virtually a chemical soup, laced with artificial colors, polyester, adhesives, polyethylene (PET), polypropylene and propylene glycol (PEG), contaminants linked to hormone disruption, cancer, birth defects, dryness and infertility.
Using a GMO tampon several times every month was any different than ingesting GMO food. But it may even be worse, considering the vaginal wall is highly permeable, allowing toxins like pesticide residue and GMO proteins direct access into the bloodstream.
What's Really in Those Sanitary Pads and Tampons?
In the featured article, Andrea Donsky, founder of Naturally Savvy and co-author of Label Lessons: Your Guide to a Healthy Shopping Cart, reveals how little we're told about the materials in feminine products. In fact, tampon and sanitary pad manufacturers aren't required to disclose ingredients because feminine hygiene products are considered "medical devices."
Beware of Toxic Shock Syndrome
Remember: disposable Tampons and pads create a favorable environment for bacteria growth. Micro-tears in the vaginal wall from tampons allow bacteria to accumulate. One infamous risk is Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), caused either by poisonous toxins from Staphylococcus aureus (staph) or group A streptococcus (strep) bacteria. TSS is a life-threatening condition, so symptom recognition is crucial. Should any of the following symptoms occur during your tampon use, seek medical help immediately:• Sudden high fever
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
• Low blood pressure
• Seizures
• Rash on palms or soles of feet
• Muscle aches
• Redness of your eyes, mouth and/or throat
Which would You and Mother Earth Choose to use :
How much money could you save by switching to a menstrual cup?
Menstrual Cup has also been proven to be inexpensive in the long run (van Eijk et al., 2019). The cup also is an onetime payment that lasts for 10 years. People spend approximately $15,000 - $20,000 on pads/tampons in their lifetime (Mah, 2019). Versus only spending between $25-$40 for a cup that lasts for a decade. This invention potentially saves the user $14,850 - $19,850 of money for a lifetime.
Only At Night
To sleep soundly all night, insert it in the evening, and get up in the morning to remove it.

For Active Hours
For active life, on the shore or in the water.

For Heavy Days
For heavy days, SckoonCup will protect you from leakage. It is small but engineered to be high capacity.

For Every Day Life
All you need is one SckoonCup for both light and heavy days. Save money and save time.

For Going Out
SckoonCup will provide 12 hour protection for those days where you're on the go.

No Time For Bathroom?
Busy women find SckoonCup especially convenient. Enjoy a leakage free period all day long.

"Sustainability, Education, & Access"
Established in Soho NYC year 2000, an Eco-Conscious Brand and one of the pioneers of the Green Concept in The USA. SckoonCup reflects the ideals we are passionate about at Sckoon, both for our customers and the planet. Sustainability and environmental accountability are things we take seriously, and we know you do too. That’s why we’ve been an organic brand for over 19 years and one of the pioneers of green concepts. Providing menstrual health Education and resources to establish menstruation as a social norm. Combating period poverty by lowering the barriers to Accessing menstrual care products, through SckoonCare foundation. Our customers love Sckoon products so much we can't help but grow. But you can be sure that as we develop, we're keeping our core values in check. |
The Hymen, Virginity and the SckoonCup Menstrual Cup
Can virgins use SckoonCup menstrual cup?
Yes, if you are a virgin, you can use a menstrual cup.
In fact, you can start using a menstrual cup as soon as you get your period.
Although there is no age limit; it does however require that you are comfortable with your body and period.
Virgins and young girls’ vaginal muscles tend to be tighter, which can make insertion a bit more difficult.
Therefore, you might want to practice in the beginning. If it feels uncomfortable don’t force it, but take a break, relax and try again later.
The entrance of the vagina is more tense and smaller in width than the rest of the vagina so gradually adapting your body to accommodate the menstrual cup will make insertion easier.
Will my vagina stretch from using a menstrual cup?
No, the vagina won’t stretch from using a menstrual cup.
The vagina is pretty extraordinary like that as the muscle is able to stretch and go right back to its original shape – much like a rubber band.
This means that something as small as a menstrual cup or a tampon will not cause you to stretch out.
I am a virgin, which menstrual cup size should I choose?
If you are a virgin, we recommend choosing SckoonCup Size 1.
How many Pads & Tampons a woman goes through in a lifetime?
Approximately 11,000 disposable pads and/or tampons in a lifetime? Multiply that number by everyone on this planet that gets his or her period and that equals a substantial amount of waste. SckoonCup is made in the USA of 100% FDA approved medical-grade silicone.
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